First Important Match
Meeting Farmer Burns
Off to Alaska
His Two Greatest Foes
Frank Gotch, Superstar
In Retirement
At His Peak
Meeting Top Celebreties
His Death
His Fame Endured
Others' Words on Gotch
The Controversy
Frank's Legacy
Meeting Farmer Burns
The meeting which would change Frank's life took place in Fort Dodge, about 20 miles south
of Humboldt, on December 18, 1899...just 13 days before the dawn of a new century. Frank
sat in the audience with a group of friends while Burns and another wrestler took on some
local men in short matches. And then Frank challenged Burns to a match. Burns weighed
just 165 pounds and was regarded as the most scientific wrestler of his era, a master
of holds. He had traveled the Midwest wrestling circuit and was even labeled "world
champion" for a spell. Burns was offering $25 to anyone who could last fifteen minutes
without getting pinned. Gotch gave him all he could handle, but the Farmer prevailed
after eleven minutes of hard wrestling. The Farmer then addressed the audience, and
told them, "Ladies and gentlemen, I have never met an amateur wrestler the like of this
fellow in my life. If he will go with me, I will make him champion of America in a
few months." (Gotch: World's Champion Wrestler, George Robbins, 1913, page 42)